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MacLoran Farm

WoolProducers Australia Independent Director Election – 2023

Woolgrowers are eligible to vote in the WoolProducers Australia biennial Independent Director elections are those that have paid 1.5% wool levy at least once during the past three years and who are members of their state farmer organisation, and its affiliation with national woolgrower body WoolProducers Australia.

State membership entitles woolgrowers to have a say in WoolProducers Australia, which is the peak national body for the wool industry in Australia and represents farmers whose primary business is growing wool.

If you are not currently engaged in wool production, please disregard this comuncation.

WoolProducers Australia are the one democratic national voice on behalf of producers, advocating your interests to both the Federal Government and internationally. WoolProducers Australia represents the industry nationally on issues as diverse as animal health and welfare, biosecurity, sustainability, pest management control, natural resource management, drought policy, emergency animal disease outbreak preparedness, trade and market access, and industry development including research, development, and extension.

WoolProducers leadership is made up of representatives from the various wool and livestock committees of our affiliated state farmer organisations. WoolProducers Australia also has three directly elected members on our Executive.

These directly elected members not only bring outside expertise and different perspectives to our organisation, but also put WoolProducers in the enviable situation of being truly representative.

As a wool levy paying member of any affiliated State Farm Organisation or direct member of WoolProducers Australia, entitles people to vote in the election of these three positions.

For the first time voting will be conducted electronically with independent voting solutions company, Vero Voting, working with your state farming organisation, to conduct the ballot on WoolProducers behalf.

The voting system is on a ‘first past the post’ basis, so to vote eligible woolgrowers simply mark up to three boxes corresponding to the candidates of their choice. As it is not a preferential voting system, it is not a requirement to number the boxes. Marking more than three candidates will render the vote invalid.

There is also a mechanism for those who are unable to vote via email, whereby a voice message can be left at 02 6110 2067 by COB 16 October with name, phone number and State Farming Organisation and an alternative will be arranged.

Voting closes on 3 November with the results being announced at WoolProducers AGM on 9 November.

WoolProducers represents a strong unified national voice on behalf of the industry, and this can be maintained by a strong interest in the democratic process by Australian woolgrowers. WoolProducers strongly encourages participation in this election.

For more information on WoolProducers, please visit

Published: 6 October 2023