The SA Sheep Industry Fund (fund) exists to support programs that contribute to a profitable and sustainable South Australian sheep industry. The Minister for Primary Industries authorises the collection and expenditure of the fund.
Funds are collected and may be spent in accordance with the Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Sheep Industry Fund) Regulations 2014.
A management plan is revised every year to estimate the next five years' contributions to the fund, identify the investment priorities, and outline how the fund is used to benefit sheep producers. The current investment priorities are:
- Animal Health
- Traceability
- Predator Control
- Advocacy
- Industry Development
All sheep owners in South Australia contribute $0.67 per head to the Sheep Industry Fund when five or more sheep are sold for $5 per head or more.
This contribution currently comprises two parts:
- A general contribution of $0.55
- A dog fence rebuild contribution of $0.12.
Total levy contributions to the fund are approximately $4,500,000 annually.
A skills-based committee, called the Sheep Industry Fund Committee, assesses the project applications and makes independent recommendations to the Livestock SA Board on projects to be funded.
Livestock SA, as the body recognised by the government as the entity representing the state’s sheep producers, then applies to the Minister for Primary Industries for projects to be funded.
The Minister assesses this application and makes payment to Livestock SA for the approved projects.
Livestock SA is then responsible for contracting the third-party service providers, and the management and acquittal of all funded projects.
For more information please CLICK HERE to be taken to the PIRSA website.
Sheep Industry Fund Board
The current members of the Sheep Industry Fund Board are:
Graham Clothier
ChairGraham has been involved in sheep production and management since 1981, originally as a shearer, then becoming a partner in the family farm. He farmed...
Jane Kellock
Jane was born and raised on a sheep station in the north of South Australia and moved to Farrell Flat in 1991. She has an...
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas is a sheep grower based in Manoora, Mid North, but with properties in the Eastern Pastoral zone and the Fleurieu Peninsula. She is...
Keith Bolto
Keith and his family shear 17,000 sheep and graze 1,700 hectares on Kangaroo Island. At 33 years old, Keith is a young industry leader who...
Nette Fischer
Nette, along with her husband Troy and three children, run a White Suffolk Stud and cropping property in the lower Mid North. The stud markets...
Alex McGorman
Alex brings to the Board extensive knowledge from his feed lotting background where he turns over up to 80,000 lambs per year.
Mary Rowe
Mary is an animal nutrition and health specialist with experience across intensive and extensive sheep and cattle production systems in Western Australia and South Australia. She has worked in aspects of the meat and wool...