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MacLoran Farm

New Livestock SA constitution passes with strong support

19 June 2024

A Special General Meeting of the members of Livestock SA was held today and returned a result of 88% in favour of the organisation changing its corporate structure and moving to industry best practice governance.

Following a consultation period with members from 21 February 2024 to 17 May 2024, which included a series of regional in person meetings as well as online meetings, the Livestock SA Board sought members’ support for a new constitution.

Independent polling agency ‘TrueVote’ was engaged to conduct the ballot, which was live from 27 May 2024 to 16 June 2024.

553 members responded to the ballot, with 88% of members who voted supporting the resolution to adopt a new constitution.

The board structure, which will come into place at the 2024 Annual General Meeting in November, changes the size of the board to a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 9 directors including the chair.

The Livestock SA Board thanked members for their ongoing support and reaffirmed its commitment to continue progressing to a more focussed, accountable and results driven organisation to serve South Australia’s livestock producers.


Media Contact:
Hannah Trevilyan, Communications and Membership Manager, 08 8297 2299

Published: 19 June 2024