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MacLoran Farm

Livestock SA Application

Amount Approved

Animal Health

Footrot Management Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA

The program aims to reduce the animal welfare issues and economic impact of the spread of footrot in the South Australian sheep industry and to assist sheep producers with virulent footrot to manage the disease.


Livestock SA Biosecurity Program
Service Provider: Livestock SA

An engaged and united industry approach to ensure the livestock industry has the systems, capability, and capacity to minimise the risks of, and maximise preparedness for, endemic and exotic pest, weed and disease
incursions and other emerging challenges.


Sheep Lice Compliance Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA

The sheep lice program minimises the impact of sheep lice on the Industry by providing inspectorial services, education, advice and where appropriate compliance action.



NLIS Compliance Program – Sheep
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA

The NLIS Sheep Program supports the South Australian sheep industry by monitoring and enforcing compliance with sheep identification and traceability standards for the purpose of disease control, food safety and market access.


Predator Control

Wild Dog Trapper Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA

Reduce the spread and impacts of wild dogs on livestock production inside the Dog Fence through the employment of two FTE trappers in SA.

Biteback Wild Dog Control Program
Service Provider: SA Arid Lands NRM Board

To reduce the impact of wild dogs (dingoes and their hybrids) on the sheep industry in the SA pastoral zone and to support landholders to control wild dogs.


Box Flat Wild Dog Control Program
Service Provider: Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board

The Box Flat wild dog control and coordination project is to assist landowners around Ngarkat Conservation Park with the coordinated control of wild dogs.



Livestock SA Industry Development
Service Provider: Livestock SA

Facilitates Livestock SA policy and advocacy efforts, enables strategic leadership and collaboration across the sheep meat and wool industry value chains, effectively manages the governance and administration of the SA Sheep Industry Fund to meet legal and government requirements and industry expectations.

Funding includes ‘Advocacy’, ‘SA Sheep Industry Blueprint’, ‘SIF Governance and Administration’.


Industry Development

Eradicating Feral Deer from Sheep Country
Service Provider: PIRSA

Eradicating feral deer from high-value SA sheep country using thermal assisted aerial culling over three years.
Kangaroo Island Feral Pig Eradication
Service Provider: PIRSA

Advanced feral pig incursion response during the 12-month Kangaroo Island feral pig post eradication monitoring period.

SheepConnect SA Communications
Service Provider: Rural Solutions SA

SheepConnect SA is Australian Wool Innovation Ltd.’s lead extension project in South Australia for information and skill development of wool producers.


Sheep Expo 2024
Service Provider: SA Sheep Expo Council

Ensure that the South Australian sheep industry attracts young people that will engage and contribute to the long-term viability of the industry by developing industry capability and capacity.


Melatonin Improves Ewe Productivity and Wellbeing (Instalment 3)
Service Provider: University of Adelaide

It is predicted that the use of melatonin on ewes immediately prior to joining in hot environments will increase the number of ewes that conceive, the proportion of twins conceived and increase the survival rate of twin born lambs.


SA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub Contribution (Instalment 3)
Service Provider: University of Adelaide

The SA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub consists of a network of >50 RDE&A partners. This application focuses on maximising the benefit from the Drought Hub for the SA sheep industry through a linked network of integrated producer demonstration RDE&A sites.


Sheep thermoregulation and fertility (Instalment 3)
Service Provider: University of Adelaide

This project will quantify the impact of individual ewe and ram thermoregulation on pregnancy rates, litter size and weaning rates of ewes joined during summer.


Improving Spring Oestrus Synchrony (Instalment 2)
Service Provider: University of Adelaide

As poor oestrus synchrony during artificial insemination (AI) contributes to financial losses and unsatisfactory results, we will optimise current oestrus synchrony protocols for spring AI.

Better AI – on-farm validation (Instalment 2)
Service Provider: University of Adelaide

Poor synchrony causes financial loss in AI programs. An improved protocol has been developed that will be validated in commercial and stud flocks across South Australia.


Sheep Blowfly Sterile Insect Technique – Implementation (Year 2)
Service Provider: SARDI

Implementation of the Sterile Insect Technique to control sheep blowfly in a 4-year pilot project on Kangaroo Island.

Sheep Pain Mitigation Program (Year 2)
Service Provider: University of Adelaide

Rapidly reindicate drugs to treat chronic pain through the use of tests to quantitatively measure pain and demonstrate drug efficacy and associated productivity gains.
Service Provider: Livestock SA

Sponsorship for WoolTAG to be able to provide tool box allowances for learner shearers and wool handlers.

Lead Agriculture Teacher for SA
Service Provider: AgCommunicators Pty Ltd

The Lead Agriculture Teacher SA project will mentor, train and support ag teachers to deliver innovative food and fibre curriculum that engages students.


LambEx 2024 Sponsorship

Service Provider: LambEx 2024 Steering Committee

Funding to support the South Australian Bid to host the LambEx conference in 2024 in Adelaide.

Small Project Fund

Service Provider: Livestock SA

The Sheep Industry Fund Board has preapproved the expenditure for small projects that provide benefit the industry. Unspent funds will be returned to the SIF at financial year end.


Total Livestock SA application

Other approved expenditure 2024 FY
Dog Fence rebuild$925,000
Dog Fence maintenance$274,620

Total Industry Funds
