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MacLoran Farm

Valuation of Land Affected by Spray Drift

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Where broadacre producers have properties next to more intensive agricultural and horticultural pursuits and residential or industrial areas, there is always the concern regarding spray drift.

The proposed policy document ‘Valuation of Land Affected by Spray Drift’ refers to the need for a ‘buffer zone’ relating to an area to be left fallow between a spraying area and neighbouring areas to mitigate the impact of spray drift. Consideration needs to be given to how to assess this buffer zone and how to assess its lower value for the landowner.

The ‘Valuation of Farming Land Adjoining Sensitive Land Uses Directive’ policy should work in conjunction with the ‘Valuation of Land Affected by Spray Drift’ policy as each document is dealing with different land parcels.

If we are to protect and grow existing broadacre agriculture and to avoid conflict with other agricultural pursuits, there needs to be policies ensuring the landowner is responsible.

Published: 10 July 2020