October Newsletter: President’s Report
There are some new faces on the Livestock SA board as we welcome
Richard Kirkland, Furner; Marina Gregor, Kangaroo Island; and Robert
Brokenshire, Mount Compass, who were announced during the Annual General
Meeting on 14 September.
Bill Nosworthy and I have also been re-elected to the board. The president and treasurer for the board will be elected at the first board meeting on Thursday 8 October.
The new members join those board members continuing for the second year of their two-year term including Treasurer Gillian Fennell, Marla; Allan Piggott, Moorlands; Samantha Neumann, Barossa Valley; Mark Dennis, Koppio and Glen Tilley, Tarlee.
The new-look board boasts a diverse range of experience and expertise which will assist Livestock SA in continuing to build a respected, sustainable and profitable South Australian livestock industry.
Several constitutional changes were discussed during the AGM including altering Livestock SA’s regional boundaries to align with the Landscape SA board regions under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, the removal of the reference to branches in the appointment process for a regional chair and group and the removal of the reference to a maximum size for committees.
These minor constitutional changes will ensure regions and committees can operate appropriately and effectively.
In other news, Livestock SA has welcomed the release of the draft Pastoral Lands Bill by the State Government, which is open for public consultation until 18 October 2020.
The feedback provided during the public consultation period will inform the final Pastoral Lands Bill to be brought before the Parliament.
The release of the draft Bill has been long-awaited and proposes a contemporary and flexible legislative framework which will support the continued economic growth of the state’s pastoral industry.
The key changes to the proposed Pastoral Lands Bill have been highlighted in this document for members.
Public meetings have already been held in pastoral regions throughout the state and webinars will also be held during the consultation period to further explain the draft Bill and the key proposed changes.
Those seeking to provide feedback on the draft legislation are invited to provide comment to Deane Crabb at the Livestock SA office on 08 8297 2299 or email dcrabb@livestocksa.org.au.
– JOE KEYNES, President, Livestock SA
Read the October eNewsletter online.