November Newsletter: President’s Report
Highly anticipated heavy rainfall has provided some relief from the dry conditions in many regions of the state this past month.
Industry events held in person, in a COVID-safe manner, are also commencing once again. It has been great to meet with producers and industry face-to-face after COVID-19 restrictions resulted in many cancelled or postponed events.
The new Livestock SA Board held its first general meeting last month. I had the honour of being re-elected as President, with Alan Piggott elected as Vice President and Gillian Fennell re-elected as Treasurer.
I look forward to continuing to help Livestock SA provide a voice for South Australian livestock producers.
The board members discussed a range of issues including the structure and organisation of Livestock SA, the results of the member survey, the Draft Pastoral Lands Bill and kangaroo policy.
Livestock SA was involved in several Draft Pastoral Lands Bill consultation meetings last month to discuss the proposed new Pastoral Lands Act.
Consultation is now closed and Livestock SA has collated the comments from pastoral producers into a submission. Read more about the Draft Pastoral Lands Bill in the submissions section below.
The public consultation on the proposed approach to the development of the new Biosecurity Act will continue to be a major priority for Livestock SA this month.
The new act is being developed to ensure the SA biosecurity system remains effective and sustainable into the future.
It will enable industry to self-regulate and certify products free of pests, reduce costs for industry and bolster market access.
There are several significant legislative changes suggested which will impact producers throughout the whole of the state and in the pastoral country.
It is important for SA producers to have their say to ensure the Act is suitable to manage and protect the SA livestock industry.
To provide comment regarding the Biosecurity Act, please contact the Livestock SA office on 08 8297 2299.
JOE KEYNES, President, Livestock SA
Read the November eNewsletter online.