National Day of Action as farmers stand against Biosecurity Protection Levy
Livestock SA has joined with agricultural organisations across the nation in opposition to the proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy.
Livestock SA President, Joe Keynes said South Australia’s red meat and wool producers continued to hold significant concerns about the proposed new tax and remained staunchly opposed to its introduction.
“On this National Day of Action, Livestock SA again voices our opposition to the introduction of a new biosecurity tax, which has been flawed from the outset.”
“Although amendments have been made to what the government originally proposed in last year’s Budget, a range of unacceptable issues remain.”
“The structure of the proposed tax doesn’t follow the usual rules for collecting and using industry levies, doesn’t align with the National Biosecurity Strategy, and doesn’t provide appropriate accountability to industry on how funds raised will be spent.”
“The other really disappointing element is that the significant investment producers make towards biosecurity every year seems to have been ignored.”
“We commend the federal government for its commitment to addressing the issue of sustainably funding the biosecurity system, but this new tax on producers is not the way to go.”
“South Australian livestock producers contribute to the biosecurity system at multiple levels –
on-farm investment, state-based levies, statutory federal levies, and general taxation.”
“Finding ways to increase revenue from the risk creators, such as a container levy, and having a more holistic view on who benefits from a strong biosecurity system will realise a fairer and more equitable outcome.”
“Simply taxing producers more because convenient revenue collection mechanisms are already in place through industry levy structures is not the answer.”
Media Contact:
Hannah Trevilyan, Communications and Membership Manager, 08 8297 2299