Livestock SA welcomes election of John Falkenhagen as GICA President
Livestock SA has welcomed the election of South Australian producer John Falkenhagen as President of the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) and Peter Lauterbach as Treasurer.
Livestock SA Chief Executive Officer Andrew Curtis said it was wonderful to see GICA recognising the good leadership of SA producers.
“I would like to acknowledge the work that outgoing President Rick Gates from Western New South Wales has done in working to modernise the council,” he said.
“I look forward to seeing the new and passionate direction that John will bring to the organisation in his new role.
“I’m also pleased to see that Peter has been appointed to continue as the GICA treasurer.
“It’s wonderful to see such strong SA representation as executive members on this national council.”
John and his wife Bec run a dairy goat enterprise ‘Idealview’ via Meningie with 950 registered dairy goats, milking about 500 does at any one time.
He represents the Dairy Goat Society of Australia on the GICA board and is a Livestock SA member.
Peter ran a mixed farming operation near Peake with wife Renate. Goats were introduced to the farm 25 years ago and Peter ran a herd of 160 breeding does mated to Boer bucks. Kids were sold to the domestic market.
Peter has been involved in goat industry committees including the Australian Cashmere Growers Association SA Region and the former SA Farmers Federation goat and livestock committees.
He currently represents Livestock SA on GICA. He has been a member of the council since 2006.