Livestock SA application | Amount approved |
Animal Health | |
Toxoplasma Control and Prevention Program
Service Provider: University of Adelaide Control and prevention of toxoplasma gondii associated reproductive loss in sheep. | $ 70,140.00 |
Footrot Management Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA The program aims to reduce the animal welfare issues and economic impact of the spread of footrot in the South Australian sheep industry and to assist sheep producers with virulent footrot to manage the disease. | $ 783,108.00 |
Farm Biosecurity and Endemic Disease Management Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA Johne’s disease management program assists producers in managing Johne’s disease within their flocks and high biosecurity flocks to maintain status. Provide integrity to industry assurance programs to support national and international trade of premium product. | $ 238,737.00 |
Sheep Lice Compliance Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA The sheep lice program minimises the impact of sheep lice on the Industry by providing inspectorial services, education, advice and where appropriate compliance action. | $ 172,150.00 |
Improving twin lamb survival
Service Provider: The University of Adelaide To demonstrate that inserting melatonin implants (Regulin) into twin bearing ewes on day 90 post-ram introduction will increase the number of lambs weaned per pregnant ewe. Up to 10 commercial flock owners will be approached to test the efficacy with which melatonin implants improve twin lamb survival. As part of this project, ewes would be scanned for pregnancy status and litter size, with twin/multiple bearing ewes managed separately to single bearing ewes (and dry ewes). | $ 94,856 |
Objective Sheep Lifetime Pain Management
Service Provider: Davies Livestock Research Centre To develop innovations in lifetime pain measurement and mitigation for sheep. These will be designed for widespread adoption and directly lead to quantifiable gains in productivity at an enterprise and industry level. Pain is an experience that we are currently unable to reliably diagnose or measure. | $ 100,000 |
Traceability | |
National Livestock Identification System Compliance Program - Sheep
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA The NLIS Sheep Program supports the South Australian sheep industry by monitoring and enforcing compliance with sheep identification and traceability standards for the purpose of disease control, food safety and market access. | $ 361,873.00 |
Predator Control | |
Wild Dog Trapper Program
Service Provider: Biosecurity SA Reduce the spread and impacts of wild dogs on livestock production inside the Dog Fence through the employment of two FTE trappers in SA. The provision of dog trappers will aid in the ongoing efforts of land managers to reduce the spread and impacts of wild dogs. | $ 37,500.00 (& an additional $30,000 from second round funding) |
Box Flat Wild Dog Control Program
Service Provider: Upper South East NRM Board The Box Flat Dingo control Project is to assist landowners around Ngarkat Conservation Park with the control of Wild Dogs/Dingoes | $ 5,100.00 |
Biteback Wild Dog Control Program
Service Provider: SA Arid Lands NRM Board To reduce the impact of wild dogs (dingoes and their hybrids) on the sheep industry in the SA pastoral zone and to support landholders to control wild dogs. | $ 224,288.00 |
Advocacy | |
Livestock SA Advocacy Program
Service Provider: Livestock SA Facilitates Livestock SA advocacy efforts. | $ 420,000.00 |
Industry Development | |
Growth of Red Meat and Wool Industries Program
Service Provider: Rural Solutions SA A collaborative program to improve sheep productivity, profitability and quality through the enhanced utilisation of technology and data, together with improved business acumen with the aim to increase the number and quality of sheep produced. | $ 150,000.00 |
Sheep Connect SA Communications
Service Provider: Rural Solutions SA SheepConnect SA is Australian Wool Innovation Ltd.’s lead extension project in South Australia for information and skill development of wool producers. | $ 36,000.00 |
Merino Sire Evaluation
Service Provider: Merino SA The site is seeking support to collect carcass phenotypes for eating quality traits (intramuscular fat % and shearforce) which are of critical importance to maintaining lamb eating quality and providing further information to inform sire selection. | $ 23,000.00 |
Sheep Expo 2020
Service Provider: SA Sheep Expo Council Ensure that the South Australian sheep industry attracts young people that will engage and contribute to the long-term viability of the industry by developing industry capability and capacity. | $ 14,500.00 |
Farm Gross Margin Budget Update 2020
Service Provider: Rural Solutions SA Produce an updated Farm Gross Margin Guide for use by crop and livestock producers in SA as part of their farm business planning process in 2021. | $ 6,000.00 |
Service Provider: Livestock SA Sponsorship for WoolTAG to be able to provide toolbox allowances for learner shearers and wool handlers. This project will benefit the sheep industry by assisting in attracting and retaining participants in the wool handling harvesting industry, to ensure there is a continuing supply of well-trained shearers, wool handlers and shed hands. | $ 5,000 |
Production of a Sheep Artificial Insemination Handbook
Service Provider: SARDI This project is for the production and distribution of an AI handbook in which recent research findings in the implementation and conduct of an AI program can be extended to industry. Effective extension of these findings is essential if the AI industry is to progress from an era of relatively poor and highly variable results. Practice change will be better achieved if producers are better informed and, consequently, better able (than researchers) to influence the operating practices of practitioners. | $ 30,000 |
SA Sheep Industry Blueprint Manager
Service Provider: Livestock SA This project will deliver management and implementation services of the SA Sheep Industry Blueprint. The Blueprint is designed grow the SA sheep industry’s production and value, develop a united value chain workforce, support an increase in the engagement of quality consultants and advisers, act as a conduit for greater research, development and extension and develop a proactive and progressive industry communication strategy. | $ 101,850 |
Good Clover, Bad Clover - Strategic grazing of low oestrogen pastures
Service Provider: PIRSA Rural Solutions In oestrogenic affected flocks, adoption of strategic grazing of low oestrogen pastures by the young ewe flock can have an immediate improvement on ewe fertility and lambing performance. Once oestrogenic clover in pasture is known, producers can develop and implement management plans with short- and long-term components to achieve ewe fertility improvement and profitability. | $ 34,770 |
Small Project Fund
Service Provider: Livestock SA The Sheep Industry Fund Board has preapproved the expenditure for small projects that provide benefit the industry. Unspent funds will be returned to the SIF at financial year end. Benefits will vary from project to project. The Board has outlined a key focus on the Pastoral area of the State to promote industry participation for a wider geographical area. | $ 30,000 |
Administration | |
Livestock SA Sheep Industry Fund Governance and Administration Services
Service Provider: Livestock SA The project supports the governance and administration structures of the SA Sheep Industry Fund Board. | $ 104,220.00 |
Total Livestock SA application | $ 3,073,092.00 |
Other approved 2020-21 Sheep Industry Fund expenditure | |
Dog fence rebuild | $ 758,000.00 |
Dog fence maintenance | $ 248,356.00 |
Enhanced Abattoir Surveillance Program | $ 577,283.00 |