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MacLoran Farm

Funding Boost Announced for Rural Financial Counselling Service

The Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) will receive a $38.8 million investment from the Federal Government, giving farmers, fishermen, foresters, and other small businesses facing impending drought some level of assurance.

Livestock SA welcomes the funding extension that will see the ten RFCS services' contracts throughout Australia continue for a further two years under the new financing arrangements.

There is a lot for rural Australians to contend with, including drought, biosecurity outbreaks, natural catastrophes, and commodities downturns. A service like financial counselling might be beneficial in any one of these situations.

Livestock SA has been advocating for government funding for these services and working with organisations such as Rural Business Support (RBS), so they are aware of the challenges our members are facing.

Rural financial advisors may assist with a variety of issues, such as:

  • Managing debt and cash flow
  • the creation of business plans
  • being able to get government help
  • conversing with creditors
  • deciding on the direction of the farming

Founded in 2006, Rural Business Support (RBS) is an organisation committed to building a profitable, sustainable, and resilient rural sector by supporting businesses, farmers, landowners and communities in rural and regional South Australia and the Northern Territory.

RBS currently employs 17 specialist Business Financial Counsellors, two Landowner Information Service Officers, a Regional Relationship Manager, and three support officers who live and work in rural and regional SA and NT.

The RBS programs and services are free, independent and confidential for eligible clients.

Help is just a phone call away. FREECALL 1800 836 211.

Published: 11 October 2023

Industry Development:

Dry Times