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Cattle 28

FarmFlex: Foundations of Wellbeing Workshop

Why Attend?

  • Understanding Stress Responses: Gain insights into stress responses and why our brains do what they do.
  • Create Your Wellbeing Map: Create a personalized wellbeing map to identify steps to care for your mental health, even in the toughest times.
  • Master Difficult Thoughts and Feelings: Learn techniques to effectively manage challenging thoughts and feelings that arise in stressful situations.
  • Enhance Decision-Making and Communication: Improve your decision-making skills and communication strategies for better outcomes.
  • "Share it to Learn it": Discover the power of guiding others through their own wellbeing map.

About the Facilitator: Steph Schmidt

Steph Schmidt, a farm life psychologist and farmer, brings a unique perspective to the workshop. Managing a sheep/cropping farm with her husband and three boys, she intertwines her lived experience of farming life with her psychological knowledge to facilitate interactive, accessible learning.

For Producers and Agents:

Join us for an insightful workshop tailored for producers and agents, designed to equip you with practical tools and strategies to manage stress, develop psychological flexibility, and navigate those challenging conversations effectively.

14th February
5:30pm to 8pm
Register Here

Murray Bridge
21st February
5:30pm to 8pm
Register Here

Naracoorte - Postponed
22nd February

Published: 19 January 2024