Experienced agri-strategist and author to lead Growing SA
Highly experienced independent farm consultant, agri-strategist and author, Dr Kate Burke, will headline a jam-packed one-day program for Growing SA to be held on August 30, 2023.
Dr Burke is described as an “Agri Specialist helping farmers, investors and agribusinesses learn more about themselves and their business to improve returns, enjoyment and legacy”.
Dr Burke said she is looking forward to presenting, hearing from other speakers and networking at Growing SA.
“I can’t with to reconnect with the South Australian farming community and meet new people,” she said.
As part of her keynote presentation, Dr Burke will be talking about the everyday challenges of farming and encouraging producers to work on things within their control.
“We just have to accept that farming is a mix of good and bad years, and that the world won’t end in the bad times. We have to get better at taking the drama out of drought and put actions into place early. We know there’s a strong chance this year of El Niño and IOD positive, which means dry times and hot springs for some, so it’s worth planning for that possibility now. If it doesn’t happen, good, if it does happen you have a plan,” she said.
Grain Producers SA Chief Executive Officer Brad Perry said ticket sales are now open for Growing SA, hosted jointly by GPSA and Livestock SA at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
“We are really excited about the line-up of guest speakers in the program this year with our producer working group focusing on topics that farmers want to hear about here and now,” he said.
“With a capacity of 300 people, we expect tickets to sell fast so get in quick for what will be a memorable conference.
“This year we will also be introducing an AgTech pitch, sponsored by AgriFutures Australia, which will see audience members vote for the best grain/livestock tech pitch at the conference.”
Livestock SA Chief Executive Officer Travis Tobin said Growing SA is put together by farmers, for farmers.
“The new addition to this year’s Growing SA program is break-out sessions, where we will explore key issues in livestock and grain separately,” he said.
“Anyone involved in the livestock or grain industries will want to be at Growing SA to hear the latest in policy developments, farm business advice and market drivers, while networking and talking to industry service providers and policy decision-makers”.
Growing SA’s Event Partner for this year’s conference is Alvan Blanch Australia, while the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA is a platinum sponsor.
Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.growingsa.com.au
Media Contact:
Hannah Trevilyan, Communications and Membership Manager, 08 8297 2299