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MacLoran Farm

Emergency Animal Disease Workshop

Wednesday, 12 April 2023 : 9:00 am

Location: Marion Hotel (849 Marion Road, Mitchell Park)

Emergency Animal Disease Workshop

Plan now for an emergency animal disease outbreak.
Safeguard your business, complacency could cost you.


Industry leaders and professionals servicing the agricultural industries businesses will be impacted in an emergency animal disease (EAD) response, but for those prepared there may be opportunities to maintain a level of business continuity.

You are invited to a free workshop hosted by Livestock SA, supported by the Sheep and Cattle Industry Funds and the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA), to understand emergency animal disease responses, the impacts to your business and how to prepare now to help in a response.

Workshop Topics Include

  • Current EAD risks to Australian livestock
  • EAD detection - the first 24 hours
  • Industry roles during an EAD and training
  • What does an EAD response mean for the livestock industry and your business
  • Risk assessment
  • Preparing your business and clients for an EAD

Workshop Details

Date: 12th April 2023 (9am to 3pm)
Marion Hotel (849 Marion Road, Mitchell Park)
Free (morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea provided)
Click Here
5th April 2023

Published: 10 March 2023

Event Type:


Industry Development:

Emergency Animal Disease