Board member election results announced at Livestock SA AGM
The new Livestock SA board members have been announced during Livestock SA’s Annual General Meeting held online this morning.
Three new members have been successfully elected to the board – Richard Kirkland, Furner; Marina Gregor, Kangaroo Island; and Robert Brokenshire, Mount Compass. In addition, two returning board members – Joe Keynes, Keyneton and Bill Nosworthy, Sheringa – have been re-elected. Livestock SA received nine nominations for the five positions.
These members join those board members continuing for the second year of their two‐year term including Treasurer Gillian Fennell, Marla; Allan Piggott, Moorlands; Samantha Neumann, Barossa; Mark Dennis, Koppio and Glen Tilley, Tarlee.
Livestock SA CEO Andrew Curtis said the new-look board boasted a diverse range of experience and expertise which would assist Livestock SA in continuing to build a respected, sustainable and profitable SA livestock industry.
“We now have a really good range of new members from across the state who will complement the existing members on the board,” he said.
“They are all passionate about the industry and want to be a voice and representative for all South Australian livestock producers.
“We look forward to continuing the progress and development of the organisation into the future.”
Field sheep and cattle producer Penny Schulz and Kangaroo Island sheep producer Jamie Heinrich both retired from the board at the AGM.
“We acknowledge the hard work and dedication both Penny and Jamie contributed during their time on the Livestock SA board and we wish them the best for their future endeavours,” Mr Curtis said.
Several constitutional changes were discussed including altering the regional boundaries to align with the Landscape SA board regions under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, the removal of the reference to branches in the appointment process for a regional chair and group and the removal of the reference to a maximum size for committees.
“These minor constitutional changes will ensure regions and committees can operate appropriately and effectively,” Mr Curtis said
The Sheep and Cattle Industry Fund Boards also discussed the allocation of producer levy contributions to various industry projects.
“With the industry funds now under Livestock SA’s administration, this is already helping to provide more transparency of where producer contributions are being spent,” Mr Curtis said.
“Livestock SA looks forward to another successful year working with the new board members.”