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Cow Faces

Be A Part Of Positive Change Through Cattle Australia

Further information

Livestock SA calls on all cattle producers to be a part of positive change through Cattle Australia

The current peak body for the grass-fed cattle industry, Cattle Council of Australia (CCA), is in the final phase transitioning to Cattle Australia.

As part of this transition, a new Cattle Australia Board will be elected by levy paying cattle producers as per the Cattle Australia Constitution.

The transition will build a more unified, democratic and sustainably resourced peak body for the cattle industry that can be a more influential voice for cattle producers on national and international issues.

Livestock SA urges all South Australian cattle producers to ensure they are signed up and can nominate and vote at the inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held on 12 December 2022.

Dates for nominating and voting in the upcoming AGM are detailed below.

Published: 31 October 2022