Annual Livestock Industry Dinner Cancellation
It is with regret and after much consideration that Livestock SA has decided to cancel the Annual Livestock Industry Dinner on 14 December 2021.
We appreciate it is a get-together that many of us in the livestock industry look forward to, as well as being a perfect opportunity to tag on multiple other formal and informal discussions and meetings.
However, with the recent outbreaks of COVID-19 in the community, new border restrictions and multiple agencies beginning to require their staff to stay away from public events, we are keen to do our bit to keep our members, volunteers and teams as safe as possible.
We also want to ensure that 'Christmas Wishes' are all that we take back to our families and regional communities.
If you have purchased a ticket, it will be refunded.
We leave it to the conveners of the individual meetings scheduled around the Annual Dinner to decide on the best route forwards for them. If you have another meeting scheduled, please wait to hear from them.
If you are scheduled to attend another Livestock SA meeting next week, we will be in touch shortly with regards to the arrangements for those.
We are sincerely sorry for any disappointment caused and thank you for your understanding and support. Hopefully the new year will see a more settled COVID environment where we can convene an event to celebrate our industry which allows all of our supporters to participate.
For more information, please call the Livestock SA office on 8297 2299.